Take Your Mother to a Nice Seafood Dinner and Never Call Her Again

King Lear Translation Human action i, Scene 4

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If but as well I other accents borrow, That can my voice communication diffuse, my good intent May behave through itself to that full outcome For which I razed my likeness. Now, banished Kent, If thou canst serve where m dost stand up condemned, And then may it come up thy chief, whom thou lovest, Shall find thee full of labors.


If I can can disguise my voice as well as I've bearded my appearance, so I can behave out the plan for which I erased my true identity. Now, banished Kent, you lot tin can serve the master who condemned you. Hopefully it will work out so that my master, whom I honey, will notice me to be an splendid worker.

Horns within. Enter LEAR with attendant knights


Let me not stay a jot for dinner. Go get it ready.


Don't make me expect even a 2d for dinner. Get get it fix.

[To KENT] How now, what art thou?

[To KENT] Well now, who are you lot?


What dost thou profess? What wouldst thou with u.s.a.?


What'south your profession? What do you lot want with me?


I do profess to be no less than I seem—to serve him truly that will put me in trust, to love him that is honest, to converse with him that is wise and says little, to fear judgment, to fight when I cannot choose, and to consume no fish.


I swear that I am just what I seem to be. I'll faithfully serve a master who puts his trust in me, I'll love those who are honorable, and I'll associate with those who are wise and don't say much. I fear God, fight when I have to, and don't eat fish.


A very honest-hearted fellow, and as poor as the king.


I'm a very honest-hearted fellow, and as poor equally the king.


If thou beest as poor for a subject as he's for a king, yard'rt poor plenty. What wouldst thou?


If yous're equally a poor a subject as he is a rex, so you're certainly poor enough. What practice you desire?


Who wouldst thou serve?


Whom do you desire to serve?


Dost thou know me, fellow?


Exercise you know me, beau?


No, sir. But y'all have that in your countenance which I would fain call master.


No, sir. Only at that place's something in your face up that makes me want to call you chief.


What'due south that in my face?


What services canst yard practice?


What services tin you perform?


I can proceed honest counsel, ride, run, mar a curious tale in telling it, and evangelize a plain bulletin frankly. That which ordinary men are fit for, I am qualified in. And the all-time of me is diligence.


I can keep secrets, ride a horse, run, ruin an elaborate story by trying to tell information technology, and deliver a patently message bluntly. I'm qualified for anything that ordinary men can practice. And the best part of me is that I'yard hardworking.


Not so young, sir, to love a adult female for singing, nor so old to dote on her for anything. I have years on my back twoscore- 8.


Sir, I'm non young enough to fall in love with a woman because she sings. Simply I'thousand not old enough to dote on a woman for any reason. I'm forty-eight years old.


Follow me. Yard shalt serve me. If I like thee no worse after dinner, I will non function from thee yet.—Dinner, ho, dinner! Where's my knave, my fool?—Go you lot, and phone call my fool hither.


Follow me. You'll serve me. If I nevertheless like y'all after dinner, then I'll keep y'all around.

[To his attendants] Dinner, hey, dinner! Where'south my fool?

[To KENT] You, go and phone call my fool to come here.

You, you, sirrah, where's my daughter?

Yous, yous, sir, where's my daughter?


Excuse me, I'1000 busy—


What says the swain there? Telephone call the clotpoll dorsum.


What did that fellow say? Call the blockhead back in here.

Where'southward my fool, ho? I retrieve the world's comatose.

Hey, where's my fool? Information technology seems like the whole world'south asleep.

How now? Where'south that mongrel?

What'southward going on? Where's that mangy domestic dog of a steward?


He says, my lord, your daughter is not well.

Showtime KNIGHT

My lord, he says that your daughter isn't feeling well.


Why came not the slave back to me when I chosen him?


Why didn't that rascal come dorsum to me when I called him?


Sir, he answered me in the roundest manner he would not.


Sir, he answered me bluntly and said that he didn't desire to.


My lord, I know not what the matter is, but to my judgment your highness is not entertained with that ceremonious affection every bit you were wont. There's a nifty abatement of kindness appears also in the full general dependants as in the duke himself too, and your daughter.


My lord, I don't know what's the affair, but it seems to me that your Highness isn't being given the dear and respect that y'all're used to. The duke himself, the servants, and your girl all seem to share in this loss of respect towards you lot.


What! Do you think and then?


I beseech you pardon me, my lord, if I exist mistaken—for my duty cannot be silent when I think your highness wronged.

Showtime KNIGHT

My lord, I beg your pardon if I'm mistaken—but I can't be silent when I think your Highness is beingness wronged.


M but rememberest me of mine own conception. I have perceived a most faint neglect of belatedly, which I have rather blamed as mine own jealous curiosity than as a very pretense and purpose of unkindness. I will look farther into 't. But where's my fool? I have non seen him this 2 days.


No, you're just reminding me of what I've noticed as well. I've observed a lazy neglectfulness in my subjects lately. But I had blamed information technology on my ain sensitivity, and didn't suspect that they were being deliberately disrespectful. I'll look into it further. But where's my fool? I oasis't seen him these final two days.

Showtime KNIGHT

Since my young lady'due south going into French republic, sir, the fool hath much pined away.

Commencement KNIGHT

Sir, ever since my lady Cordelia has gone away to France, the fool has been distressing and alone.


No more of that. I accept noted it well. Go you and tell my daughter I would speak with her.


No more talking about that. I've noticed it too. Go and tell my daughter Goneril that I want to speak with her.

Get you, call hither my fool.

And you, get call my fool hither.

O you sir, you, come y'all here, sir. Who am I, sir?

Oh you, sir, you, come hither, sir. Who am I, sir?


"My lady's male parent?" My lord's knave, your whoreson dog! You slave, you cur!


"My lady's father?" You wretch, yous bastard dog! You rogue, you dog!


I am none of these, my lord. I beseech your pardon.


I'chiliad non any of those things, my lord. I beg your pardon.


Do you swap looks with me, you rascal? [He strikes OSWALD ]


Do you cartel make a face at me, you villain? [He strikes OSWALD]


I'll not be strucken, my lord.


I will not be struck, my lord.


[tripping OSWALD] Nor tripped neither, you lot base football histrion.


[Tripping OSWALD] Or tripped, you filthyfootball game player.


[To KENT] I thank thee, boyfriend. Thou servest me, and I'll dear thee.


[To KENT] I thank you, fellow. If you serve me like that, I'll love y'all.


[To OSWALD] Come, sir, arise, away! I'll teach you differences. Away, away. If you will measure out your lubber's length again, tarry. But away, go to. Have you wisdom? So.


[To OSWALD] Come on, sir. Get up and become away! I'll teach y'all to respect your superiors. Away, away. If you lot desire to be tripped once more, then stay here. If non, go on. Do y'all have any mutual sense? Then go.


Now, my friendly knave, I thank thee.


At present, my friendly retainer, I thank you.

[gives KENT money] There's earnest of thy service.

[Giving KENT coin] In that location's a down payment for your service.


Let me hire him too.—Hither's my coxcomb. [offers KENT his cap]


Let me hire him likewise. Here's my fool's cap. [He offers KENT his cap]


How now, my pretty knave? How dost thou?


How are yous, my clever fool? How are you doing?


[To KENT] Sirrah, you lot were best take my coxcomb.


[To KENT] Sir, you had improve accept my cap.


Why? For taking one's part that's out of favor. Nay, an thou canst non smile as the current of air sits, chiliad'lt take hold of cold presently. There, take my coxcomb. Why, this beau has banished two on 's daughters, and did the third a blessing against his volition. If thou follow him, thou must needs wear my coxcomb.— How now, nuncle? Would I had ii coxcombs and two daughters.


Why? For taking the side of this unpopular rex. If you can't suck up to whoever has power, so you'll before long suffer for it. Hither, take my fool'southward cap. Why, this boyfriend hither has banished two of his daughters, and gave the third a blessing without pregnant to . If you're going to follow him , y'all're a fool, and and so you should habiliment my cap.

[To LEAR]  How's it going, uncle ? I wish I had two caps and two daughters.


If I gave them all my living, I'd keep my coxcombs myself. There's mine. Beg another of thy daughters.


If I gave them everything I owned, then I'd keep the caps for myself, to bear witness what a fool I was. Here's my fool's cap. Beg your daughters for another 1.


Take mind, sirrah—the whip.


Be careful, boy—recall y'all tin can exist whipped.


Truth'southward a dog that must to kennel. He must be whipped out, when Lady Brach may stand up past th' burn and stink.


Truth'southward a dog that must get to his kennel. He must be whipped and driven out of the house, while Lady Bitch can stay by the burn, stinking with lies.


A pestilent gall to me!


Constantly irritating me!


Sirrah, I'll teach thee a spoken language.


Sir, I'll teach yous a speech.


Mark it, nuncle. Take more than than thou showest, Speak less than thou knowest, Lend less than thou owest, Ride more grand goest, Acquire more than thou trowest, Set less than thou throwest, Leave thy drink and thy whore And keep in-a-door, And chiliad shalt have more Than ii tens to a score.


Listen closely, uncle. Have more than than you lot show, speak less than you know, lend less than you own, ride more than than you walk. Don't believe everything y'all hear. Don't bet everything on a throw of the dice. Go out your potable and your whore, and stay indoors, and yous'll surely prosper.


This is zero, Fool.


That'southward zilch, Fool.


And then 'tis like the breath of an unfee'd lawyer. Y'all gave me nothing for 't.—Can you brand no use of cipher, nuncle?


Then it's like the speech of an unpaid lawyer—you gave me naught for it, and you get what you pay for. Tin can't you brand some use out of nothing, uncle?


Why no, boy. Cipher can be made out of aught.


Why no, male child. Nothing tin can be made out of nada.


[To KENT] Prithee, tell him and then much the rent of his country comes to. He will non believe a fool.


[To KENT] Please, remind him that no state ways no income. He won't believe a fool.


Dost grand know the difference, my boy, between a biting fool and a sweet fool?


My boy, do you lot know the deviation between a bitter fool and a sweet fool?


That lord that counseled thee To give away thy land, Come up place him hither by me. Do yard for him stand. The sweetness and bitter fool Will presently appear— The one in motley here, The other institute out there.


Bring me the lord who advised you lot to give away your land, and place him here by me. You stand in his place. The sweet and bitter fool will instantly appear—the sweet fool in jester'southward clothes here, and the bitter fool over at that place.


Dost thou call me fool, boy?


Are you calling me a fool, male child?


All thy other titles thou hast given abroad that g wast built-in with.


Well, you've given away all the other titles you were born with, so you lot might too keep the title of "fool."


This is not altogether fool, my lord.


This fool's words aren't totally foolish, my lord.


No, faith, lords and corking men will not let me. If I had a monopoly out, they would accept part on 't. And ladies too— they will non let me have all fool to myself; they'll be snatching. Give me an egg, nuncle, and I'll give thee ii crowns.


No, truly, lords and of import men won't let me be totally foolish. If I had a monopoly on foolishness, they would insist that I share it. And ladies as well—they won't always let me be the biggest fool. They're ever snatching away my part. Uncle, give me an egg, and I'll requite you two crowns.


What two crowns shall they be?


What 2 crowns do you hateful?


Why—afterward I have cut the egg i' thursday' middle and consume up the meat—the ii crowns of the egg. When thou clovest thy crown i' th' heart, and gavest away both parts, thou borest thy ass o' thursday' back o'er the clay. Thou hadst piddling wit in thy baldheaded crown when thou gavest thy golden one away. If I speak like myself in this, permit him exist whipped that first finds it then. [Sings] Fools had ne'er less wit in a year, For wise men are grown foppish. They know non how their wits to wear, Their manners are then apish.


Why—after I've cut the egg in half and eaten the whites, the yolk will be like two aureate crowns. When you cut your crown and your kingdom in two and gave away both parts, you were carrying your donkey on your back and foolishly reversing the order of nature. You didn't accept much wit in the baldheaded crown of your head when you gave your aureate crown away. If anyone thinks I'1000 speaking nonsense like a fool when I say this, permit him exist whipped.
Fools have had a difficult year,
For wise men have grown foolish.
They don't know how to use their wits,
They can simply stupidly imitate others.


When were you wont to be so full of songs, sirrah?


When did y'all become so full of songs, boy?


I accept used it, nuncle, ever since chiliad madest thy daughters thy mothers. For when thou gavest them the rod, and put'st down thine ain breeches, [Sings] So they for sudden joy did weep And I for sorrow sung, That such a king should play bo-peep And get the fools among. Prithee, nuncle, proceed a schoolmaster that can teach thy fool to lie. I would fain larn to lie.


I've made a habit of singing, uncle, ever since you fabricated your daughters into your mothers by giving them the switch and pulling down your own pants,
So they wept for sudden joy,
And I sang for sorrow,
That such a male monarch should play a child'south game
And go virtually with fools for company.

Uncle, delight hire a schoolteacher who can teach your fool to lie. I want to learn how to lie.


An yous lie, sirrah, we'll have you whipped.


If you lie, boy, then I'll have you whipped.


I marvel what kin thou and thy daughters are. They'll take me whipped for speaking true, grand'lt have me whipped for lying, and sometimes I am whipped for holding my peace. I had rather be any kind o' thing than a fool. And withal I would not be thee, nuncle. 1000 hast pared thy wit o' both sides and left zero i' th' heart. Here comes i o' the parings.


I'm amazed at how alike you and your daughters are. They'll have me whipped for telling the truth, you'll have me whipped for lying, and sometimes I'm whipped for keeping quiet likewise. I wish I were anything but a fool. And yet I wouldn't want to be you, uncle. You've sliced off your wits on both sides of your encephalon, and left nothing in the eye. Here comes one of the slices.


How now, daughter? What makes that frontlet on? Methinks y'all are too much of belatedly i' th' frown.


How are you lot, daughter? Why are you wearing such a pout? Information technology seems like yous've been frowning too much lately.


[To LEAR] Yard wast a pretty fellow when thou hadst no need to treat her frowning. Now m fine art an O without a figure. I am better than thou art now. I am a fool. Thou art nothing. [To GONERIL] Yes, forsooth, I will hold my tongue. So your face bids me, though you say goose egg. Mum, mum, He that keeps nor crust nor crumb, Weary of all, shall want some. [indicates LEAR] That'southward a shelled peascod.


[To LEAR]  Yous were a fine fellow back when you didn't demand to care whether she was frowning or not. Now y'all're a zero without a digit in front of information technology to give it value. I'm better than you are now. I am a fool. Yous are nothing.

Yes, I volition be quiet. That's what your face is commanding me to exercise, even though you don't say annihilation aloud. Mum, mum, he who gives abroad his crust and crumbs when he'southward weary of possessions, will soon want some back. [Pointing at LEAR]  That's an empty pea pod correct there.


[To LEAR] Not only, sir, this your all-licensed fool, Only other of your insolent retinue Do hourly carp and quarrel, breaking along In rank and nonhoped-for-endurèd riots. Sir, I had idea by making this well known unto you lot To have constitute a safe redress, only now grow fearful Past what yourself too belatedly take spoke and done That y'all protect this course and put it on By your allowance— which if you should, the fault Would not 'scape censure, nor the redresses sleep Which in the tender of a wholesome weal Might in their working practice you lot that crime, Which else were shame, that and so necessity Volition call discreet proceeding.


[To LEAR]  Sir, non just your fool here—who is allowed to say whatever he wants—but others in your rude entourage keep complaining, fighting, and breaking out in foul and intolerable wildness. Sir, I had idea that if I told you well-nigh this disrespectful behavior you would find a certain solution to it. Only now I'm worried because of what y'all yourself have said and washed all likewise recently. I'm worried that you encourage this kind of behavior past allowing information technology to continue. If that's the case, then your actions won't escape penalization, and there volition be some kind of payment required of you for the good of the kingdom. I realize that having to punish your knights will seem shameful to you, merely it's necessary in this instance.


For you know, nuncle, The hedge-sparrow fed the cuckoo so long, That it's had it head flake off past it young. So out went the candle and we were left darkling.


For you know, uncle, a sparrow raised a cuckoo in its nest for a long time, until the cuckoo grew up and the sparrow had its head bitten off past its own kid. Then the candle went out, and nosotros were all left in the dark.


Are you our daughter?


Come, sir, I would y'all would make use of that skilful wisdom Whereof I know you are fraught, and put away These dispositions that of late transform you From what yous rightly are.


Come now, sir. I wish you would employ your wisdom—which I know y'all are well-provided with— to snap out of these fickle moods that you lot've been in lately, so you can return to your true self.


May non an ass know when the cart draws the equus caballus? Whoop, Jug! I love thee.


Fifty-fifty a fool can tell when everything's upside down and the cart is pulling the equus caballus, can't he? Whoop, sweetheart! I love you!


Does whatever here know me? Why, this is not Lear. Doth Lear walk thus? Speak thus? Where are his eyes? Either his notion weakens, or his discernings Are lethargied. Ha, sleeping or waking? Sure, 'tis non so. Who is it that can tell me who I am?


Does anyone hither know who I am? Why, I can't be Lear. Does Lear walk like this? Talk like this? Where are his eyes? Either his mind is getting weak or his senses are failing. Hey, am I awake? Surely not. Who can tell me who I am?


You are Lear's shadow.


I would learn that. For by the marks Of sovereignty, knowledge, and reason, I should be simulated persuaded I had daughters.


I want to larn who I am. The testify given to me by my kingly nature, my noesis, and my reason tries to falsely persuade me that I have daughters.


Which they will make an obedient father.


Daughters who will plow you into an obedient begetter.


[to GONERIL] Your proper name, fair gentlewoman?


[To GONERIL] What's your name, dearest lady?


This admiration, sir, is much o' th' savor Of other your new pranks. I do beseech y'all To empathise my purposes aright. As y'all are old and reverend, should be wise. Here do you lot keep a hundred knights and squires, Men and so disordered, so debauched and bold That this our court, infected with their manners, Shows similar a riotous inn. Epicurism and lust Make it more than similar a tavern or a brothel Than a graced palace. The shame itself doth speak For instant remedy. Exist then desired By her that else will take the thing she begs, A little to disquantity your railroad train, And the remainder that shall even so depend To be such men as may besort your age, Which know themselves and yous.


Sir, this pretended astonishment of yours seems very similar to your other recent pranks. Please try to empathise my purpose. You are old and respected, and then try to be wise too. You're keeping a hundred knights and squires here— men and then disorderly, vulgar, and bold that our court has become infected with their manners and now seems like a cheap, rowdy inn. Their gluttony and lust make this place feel more than like a tavern or a brothel than an honored palace. It's then shameful that it requires firsthand action. Therefore it'due south my desire—and if yous won't do it when I ask politely, then I'll do it myself by force—that you lot reduce the number of knights in your entourage a little. Continue the ones who are older, who arrange your avant-garde age, and who know their proper place—as well as yours.


Darkness and devils! Saddle my horses. Telephone call my train together.— Degenerate bastard, I'll not trouble thee. Yet have I left a daughter.


Darkness and devils!

[To his attendants]
Saddle my horses. Telephone call my knights together.

I won't trouble you whatsoever more, you worthless bastard. I nevertheless have 1 true girl left.


Y'all strike my people, and your disordered rabble Make servants of their betters.


You strike my servants, and your disorderly rabble of knights treats their superiors like servants.


Woe that too belatedly repents!— [To ALBANY] O sir, are you come up? Is information technology your will? Speak, sir.—Prepare my horses.


[To GONERIL] Yous'll regret this, just past and then it'll be also belatedly!

[To ALBANY] Oh, sir, are y'all here? Have you come to me? Speak, sir.

[To an attendant] Prepare my horses.

Ingratitude, k marble-hearted fiend, More hideous when thousand bear witness'st thee in a kid Than the bounding main monster.

Ingratitude is a common cold-hearted devil, and information technology'due south always at its ugliest when it appears in an ungrateful child. It'due south more hideous than a ocean monster!


Pray, sir, be patient.


Sir, please be patient.


[To GONERIL] Detested kite, thou liest! My train are men of choice and rarest parts That all particulars of duty know And in the about verbal regard back up The worships of their name. O most small fault, How ugly didst thou in Cordelia show, That, like an engine, wrenched my frame of nature From the stock-still identify, drew from heart all beloved, And added to the gall! O Lear, Lear, Lear! [strikes his head] Trounce at this gate that allow thy folly in And thy dear judgment out!—Go, go, my people.


[To GONERIL]  You mean vulture, you prevarication! My knights are men of excellent qualities and accomplishments, and they perfectly do their duty and live up to their honorable reputation. Oh, how ugly did Cordelia'due south small-scale flaw seem to me! And at present information technology has tortured me and broken my body, sucking the love from my center and replacing information technology with bitterness! Oh Lear, Lear, Lear! [Striking himself on the head]  Let me beat at this gate that permit precious wisdom go out and foolishness come in!

[To his attendants]
Become, go, my people.


My lord, I am guiltless, as I am ignorant, Of what hath moved you.


My lord, I'm innocent and ignorant of any it is that'southward angered you.


It may be then, my lord. Hear, Nature, hear, dear goddess, hear! Suspend thy purpose if k didst intend To make this creature fruitful. Into her womb convey sterility. Dry out up in her the organs of increase, And from her derogate trunk never bound A babe to laurels her. If she must teem, Create her kid of spleen, that it may live And exist a thwart disnatured torment to her. Allow it stamp wrinkles in her brow of youth, With cadent tears fret channels in her cheeks, Turn all her mother's pains and benefits To laughter and antipathy, that she may feel— That she may feel How sharper than a snake'south molar it is To take a thankless kid.— Abroad, away!


That may be true, my lord. Now hear me, Nature, dear goddess, hear me! If y'all had intended for this woman to deport children, and then change your purpose for her. Make her womb sterile, and dry out information technology upwardly so that no babe will always emerge from her hateful torso and honor her. Just if she must requite birth, so requite her a spiteful child, and so it might live to be a perverse, unnatural torment to her. May it give her wrinkles in her youth, and carve lines in her cheeks from so many falling tears. Turn all her motherly care and nurturing into mockery and hatred, and so she may experience . . so she may feel how an ungrateful child is sharper than a ophidian'south tooth.

[To his attendants] At present let's leave this place!

Exeunt LEAR, FOOL, KENT, Kickoff KNIGHT and the other attendants


Now gods that we adore, whereof comes this?


By the gods, what acquired all this?


Never afflict yourself to know more than of information technology, But let his disposition take that telescopic That dotage gives it.


Don't problem yourself virtually it. Just let him be the foolish old homo that he is in his senility.


What, fifty of my followers at a handclapping? Within a fortnight?


What, 50 of my knights dismissed at a clap of your hands? Later just two weeks?


What's the thing, sir?


What'southward the affair, sir?


I'll tell thee. [To GONERIL] Life and death! I am ashamed That thou hast power to milkshake my manhood thus, That these hot tears which pause from me perforce Should brand thee worth them. Blasts and fogs upon thee! Thursday' untented woundings of a father's expletive Pierce every sense about thee! Former fond optics, Beweep this crusade again, I'll pluck ye out And cast you lot, with the waters that you loose, To temper dirt. Yea, is 't come to this? Ha? Let information technology be so. I have another girl, Who I am sure is kind and comfortable. When she shall hear this of thee, with her nails She'll flay thy wolvish visage. G shalt find That I'll resume the shape which thou dost recall I take cast off for ever. Thou shalt, I warrant thee.


I'll tell you lot.

[To GONERIL]  Past life and expiry! I'grand ashamed that yous have the power to upset me like this, and that these hot tears that spring forth against my will reveal that I care enough about you to shed them. May pain and sickness strike you! May you experience all the incurable pains a father's curse can inflict! If these old foolish eyes cry over again considering of y'all, I'll pluck them out and throw them to the ground so their wet tears can water the clay. Has information technology actually come to this? Has it? Then so be it. I have another daughter, who I'm sure is kind and hospitable. When she hears what yous've washed, she'll rip up your wolfish face with her fingernails. And then you'll find that I can again take upward the ability you lot thought I had cast off forever. I volition, I promise you.


Do you marker that, my lord?


Did you hear all that, my lord?


I cannot exist so partial, Goneril, To the great dearest I comport yous—


Goneril, I can't be anything merely biased in your favor because of my cracking beloved for yous—


Pray you, content. Come, sire, no more.—What, Oswald, ho! [to FOOL] You, sir, more knave than fool, subsequently your master.


Delight, exist tranquillity and don't worry. No more than protests, sir.

[To her servant] Hey, Oswald, come here!

[To the FOOL] And you lot, sir, who are more a villain than a fool, run afterward your master.


Nuncle Lear, nuncle Lear, tarry and take the fool with thee. A fox when one has defenseless her And such a daughter Should certain to the slaughter, If my cap would buy a halter. And then the fool follows after.


Uncle Lear, uncle Lear, wait and take your fool with y'all. A fox, when you've caught her—and such a daughter— would certainly both exist slaughtered. If my fool'south cap is worth trading for a noose, so the fool follows you.


This man hath had good counsel—a hundred knights! 'Tis politic and safety to let him keep At bespeak a hundred knights, aye, that on every dream, Each fizz, each fancy, each complaint, dislike, He may enguard his dotage with their powers And hold our lives in mercy?— Oswald, I say!


This human being has had skilful advice—a hundred knights! Yep, it's rubber and prudent to allow him proceed a hundred knights around, so that every time he has an flare-up, a dream, a change of mood, a complaint, or something that upsets him, he has a hundred swords to back up his senile whims and violently forcefulness u.s. to accept them!

[ To her retainer] Oswald, I say! Where is he?


Well, y'all may fear too far.


You might be overly nervous near this.


Safer than trust also far. Allow me nevertheless take away the harms I fright, Not fright still to exist taken. I know his heart. What he hath uttered I have writ my sister. If she sustain him and his hundred knights When I take showed th' unfitness—


It'south better to be too nervous than likewise trusting. Let me ever get rid of what frightens me, rather than take a chance beingness hurt by information technology. I've written to my sister and told her what he's said. If she welcomes him and his hundred knights afterwards I've described his unwillingness to acquit—


How now, Oswald? What, accept you writ that letter to my sister?


How are yous, Oswald? Have y'all written that letter to my sister all the same?


Accept you some company, and away to horse. Inform her full of my detail fear, And thereto add such reasons of your own Every bit may compact information technology more. Get you lot gone And hasten your return.


And so accept some men with you and ride off to deliver it. Tell her nearly my specific fears, and add details of your own to dorsum them up. At present get going, and bustle back.

No, no, my lord, This milky gentleness and class of yours Though I condemn non, yet, under pardon You lot are much more attasked for want of wisdom Than praised for harmful mildness.

No, no, my lord, I'm not condemning your balmy gentleness in dealing with my father. But—if you lot'll excuse me for saying so— you should be criticized much more than for defective wisdom than exist praised for beingness misguidedly gentle.


How far your eyes may pierce I cannot tell. Striving to better, frequently nosotros mar what'due south well.


I can't tell how far alee y'all can meet, or how deeply you tin can perceive. But frequently we suspension something in trying to fix it.


Well, well, th' event.


All correct, all right. We'll see what happens.


Source: https://www.litcharts.com/shakescleare/shakespeare-translations/king-lear/act-1-scene-4

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